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Robert Andrescik

Senior Executive Director of Communication, Content, and Innovation

Robert Andrescik
serves as
Senior Executive Director of Communication, Content, and Innovation
at Northland Church.

For nearly three decades, Robert has helped organizations to find their voice, build and manage their teams, create effective strategies and grow their reach through internal and external communications, storytelling, video, social media management and public relations. He heads Northland's Connect group, a "team of teams" that includes communications, IT, tech, worship and congregational engagement. He previously served as the southeast regional internal communications manager for DPR Construction, where he helped build an internal communications strategy from the ground up — change management communications, weekly videos, intranet content development and email campaigns. An award-winning reporter, he previously served as editor of New Man magazine and started his career at a small newspaper in Minnesota. He also served as Northland's director of communications from 2005-2016. He and wife, Kim, have attended Northland since 1999 and are the proud parents of boy-girl twins, Noah and Sarah. He attended North Central University in Minneapolis, earning degrees in journalism, broadcasting and biblical studies. His "life verse" is Psalm 32:8: "The Lord says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.'" "It's such a privilege to be back at Northland as we begin the next 50 years of ministry," he says. "The best is yet to come."


Robert Andrescik
