
Below you can browse all the different ministries Northland has to offer, learn more about each one, and connect with a group leader to get involved.

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Take a Next Step

You might have some clear next steps about where God is leading you. We have incredible opportunities led by gifted leaders to help you on your journey.  If you’re not sure what your next steps are, we have no doubt that entering into a disciple-making relationship, being in community with other believers, and digging deeper into the Bible are some of the best places to start.

DiscipleshipSmall GroupsWho is God?

Virtual Connections Week

Interested in knowing about the ministries, classes, and small groups that are meeting this fall either virtually or in person? Join us on Zoom to meet the leaders and learn more about the opportunities that are available. Register for the evenings you're interested in and we'll send you the link for Zoom the morning of the gathering. Not available for Zoom? Let us know if there is a specific group you are interested in.

Affinity & Special Interests

55+ and Single

A ministry of single Christian seniors who enjoy being active.

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Biggie Choir

Northland’s Biggie Choir is a gathering of singers from all backgrounds who love to worship.

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The Northland Bookstore is located at Northland's Longwood site, behind the Welcome Desk.

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Flag Football

Building relationships through Christ's word as we enjoy adult flag football for an audience of one.

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Life Groups

Groups are a key aspect of our church community. Join a group to connect with people who love Jesus and who want to grow deeper in their faith.

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Nanas, Papas, and Friends: Share the Joy of Reading with Children

Nanas, Papas and Friends share the joy of reading on a one-to-one basis with students in either the Boys and Girls Club or at Goldsboro Elementary.

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Share your pets with people in nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, etc.

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Surviving the Loss of a Spouse

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The Wisdom Academy

The Wisdom Academy ministry exists to ignite a transformation in business people everywhere to serve as wise leaders.

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Thursday Evening Prayer Meeting

You are invited to join us for the intercessory prayer time. We intercede for the weekly prayer requests submitted online.

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Bible Study & Topical Classes

Bible Boot Camp

Bible Boot Camp is a co-ed, 40-week overview of the entire Bible designed to help Christian men and women explore the Word of God.

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Bible Studies

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Community Life

Community Life class is focused on studying God’s Word and building stronger relationships by prayer...

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PERSPECTIVES on the World Christian Movement

PERSPECTIVES is a course that focuses on the the purposes and character of God and His invitation for us join in His work.

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Children's Ministries

Welcome to Children's Ministries, where children experience an authentic worship service, hear sound Biblical instruction, and make connections with adult leaders and other children!

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Cooperative School at Northland

Northland's Cooperative School includes a weekday preschool and VPK, a kindergarten and a first grade that involves parents in their children's education.

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LifeHope Childcare Center

LifeHope Childcare (LHCC) was created to address the needs of single parents in the process of overcoming life's challenges.

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Disability Ministry

Community Art Connection

Welcome to CAC, where we inspire and empower adults with disabilities to reach their full potential as creative, engaged, and connected members of the community.

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Jesus Christ said to His followers, “therefore go and make disciples.” That was part of His last command in Matthew 28:16-20. This must be the priority of everyone following King Jesus and this should be the main focus for the Church. In the command, To be a disciple is to be someone following, loving, learning, and living for Jesus. We have that in our vision statement, Engaging People to be Fully Alive in Jesus. To make disciples means bringing others along with you to do the same. 

Learn more about Discipleship >

Financial Stewardship

Financial Peace University

inancial Peace University is a nine-lesson money class that teaches step-by-step how to create a budget, pay off debt, spend wisely, and save for the future.

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Healing & Recovery

Celebrate Recovery

Gain freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Join us each week for teachings.

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Freedom Group

Freedom Group is for men who are recovering from sex addiction/intimacy anorexia.

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Grief Ministries

If you or someone you care for has suffered loss recently, come and be a part of this healing community where together we will pursue Christ as the only One who can carry our grief.

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GriefShare is a ministry support group for those who are grieving the death of a loved one.

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Recovering Couples Anonymous

A 12-step fellowship of recovering couples who suffer from many different addictions.

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Sex Addicts Anonymous (Men)

A spiritual program based on the principles and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.

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Marriage & Family

Family Moments & Pastoral Services

There are many stages of life and moments in our families journey, from baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Learn more of what Northland offers below.

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Marriage 911

Is your marriage in crisis? Are you separated? Are problems in your marriage escalating? Marriage 911 provides answers that can heal and mend your marriage.

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AMEN (A Meeting Of Men)

Imperfect men bonding as brothers in Christ, deepening our understanding of God's Word.

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Authentic Manhood

Authentic Manhood is all about setting men up to live lives of truth, passion and purpose.

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Community of Men

"We are a men's group meeting on Tuesday nights from 6:30pm until 8:00pm in person on campus in room 4216. Our objective is building true friendships and growing together spiritua

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Faithful and True

The mission of Faithful & True is to support men whose desire it is to honor God with their sexual integrity.

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Forge - Longwood

FORGE is a lively, weekly, early-morning gathering of Christ-following men of all ages.

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Men of Honor

This ministry reveals how Jesus Christ works in the daily life of the average man, making him a disciple of Christ.

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Northland Golf Fellowship

Golf Ministry is an organization dedicated to helping men and women change the conversation at their clubs and golf courses.

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Local & Global Missions

Northland's involvement globally extends from continent to continent, church to church, as we strive to work closely with partners, expanding the church anywhere from Europe to unreached tribes in the Amazon. 

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121Hope (Anti-Human Trafficking)

121Hope brings hope to victims and survivors of human trafficking and empowers local abolitionists, all through one-to-one discipleship.

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This ministry assists in coming alongside individuals and families experiencing homelessness in our community in various ways.

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Local Serve Day

Serve day will be a time when we gather as a large group in the morning at Northland and then are sent to serve throughout the community with various projects.

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Mobile Response

Mobile Response at Northland are teams that train for and respond to disasters, complementing and supporting...

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Prison and Jail Transition

The (PJTM) serves those who are incarcerated in the local jail, and other facilities via live web-stream worship into their facility. 

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Welcome 18:5 (Adoption & Foster Care)

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Pastoral Care

Ministers on Duty

Our desire is to encourage and pray for those needing someone to connect with. We can listen, suggest resources, and offer Biblical support.

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Stephen Ministry

Do you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening? If so, please prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister.

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Small Groups

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Small Groups

At Northland, we believe life is better together. As we experience life together in community, we’re able to encourage each other, challenge each other, and point each other to Jesus through all of life’s circumstances. If you are looking for a group, this is a great place to start.

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Students, College & Young Adults

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College & YounG Adults

Today’s young adults challenge us to be real — honest about who we are and honest with one another. Today’s young adults aren’t just tomorrow’s church; they are an integral part of today’s church.

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From Middle School all the way through High School there's so much happening with students. Engage with what's going on in Student Ministries, see upcoming events, and get connected.

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Knit and Chat

We are a group who gets together to fellowship and share our projects - knitting, crocheting and other fiber arts.

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Women's Bible Study

O‍ur purpose in studying the Bible is to know and love God, to love others as Jesus loves us, and to live a life of faithful obedience to His Word through the power of His indwelli

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