live generously

Giving fuels the life change we see every day at Northland! From our 121Hope ministry that assists women in Central Florida caught up in human trafficking, to our LifeHope ministry that comes alongside single mothers with free childcare and life coaching, to our Access Ministries serving individuals with special needs and their families, to our ministries to children and students raising up the next generation to know God's great love and be Fully Alive in Jesus, your generosity is making the world a better place.

Give Now

Contributions to the Raise the Roof campaign are made with the understanding that Northland Church has complete discretion and control over the use and allocation of all donated funds for the expressed purposes.

At Northland we have always left the giving decision between you and God. That is not to say we don’t teach the biblical principles of giving, stewardship, and generosity.

Matthew 6:21 says "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (NIV). Our giving should be an act of worship to the Lord. As Christians, we are called to give. In fact, 2 Corinthians 8-9 lays out why giving is to be viewed as an act of worship.

  • If you are a follower of Jesus you should set the example in the grace of giving.
  • When you give, you are expressing the love you have for Jesus.
  • God loves willing and cheerful givers.
  • When you give your willingness to be generous is more important than the amount.
  • Our giving will result in praise and thanksgiving to God.
  • Giving is an act of obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ.
  • Our giving should be a natural response to the surpassing grace God has given you.
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
– Luke 6:38 (NIV)

Stewardship Update


Through this easy to use, safe and secure portal you can give a one-time gift, set up recurring gifts, and even view your giving history.


Text the word "northland" to (833) 629-9809 to get started.


Drop cash/checks into an offering box (located at the back of our Sanctuary or throughout the foyer) or you can mail one to: 530 Dog Track Rd. Longwood, FL 32750

Appreciated Stock or Property

There may be significant tax savings associated with donating appreciated property to the Church. If you are considering making a gift of stock or other appreciated property, consult with your tax advisor to determine whether donating the item or stock itself, as opposed to the proceeds from liquidation, might result in tax savings on your personal income tax return.

Contact the church finance department for our stock brokerage firm's information.


If you’re 70-1/2 years or older, qualifying direct charitable IRA distributions made within prescribed limits count toward IRA distribution requirements and are excluded from taxable income. The age to begin taking the required minimum distributions (RMD) from IRA's has been increased to 72 years and older. The distributions must come directly from your IRA to a qualifying charity. The Church is a qualifying charity. Please contact your personal tax advisor regarding the possible tax benefits associated with this giving strategy. Text the word "northland" to (833) 629-9809 to get started.