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Owusu Amaning

Governing Elder

Owusu Amaning
serves as
Governing Elder
at Northland Church.

Owusu was born and raised in Accra, Ghana. He and his wife, Adwoa, have been members of Northland since 1997. He served on the Governing Elder Board during the periods 2002 to 2008 and 2010 to 2016. He has been involved in a variety of Northland Ministry areas including the Elder Training Program initiated in 2009. Owusu and Adwoa have two daughters, Akua and Nana, both of whom were involved for many years in Northland’s Youth Ministry Programs.

“Attending Northland has given me an ideal Christian family environment for my personal spiritual growth continuum.  It has also afforded my family and I the humbling privilege of serving God and our church in so many ways.”

Before relocating to Florida, Owusu worked with an engineering research agency in France on several Civil Engineering projects worldwide. He also worked for an engineering firm in Chicago, Illinois. 

In June of 1993, Owusu Amaning started GCI, Inc., a consulting engineering firm with offices in Orlando, Tampa, Miami, and New Orleans, Louisiana. He has over 40 years of experience in project management, geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, engineering inspection, instrumentation of earthworks, and soil-structure interaction of pile foundations. His expertise covers a variety of projects involving foundation support of low to high-rise structures, towers, roadways, railways and bridges, airport infrastructure, retaining wall systems, site suitability, and soil improvement studies.


Owusu Amaning
