The Lost Sheep (Sermon Only)

The Lost Sheep (Sermon Only)

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June 12, 2017
In the parable of the lost sheep, we are reminded that Jesus cares more for the one than He does for the ninety-nine. Likewise, we are to go after the one who is lost because we could be that one who is lost someday. Are we going to do what makes us feel safe and comfortable or are we going to do what makes us more like Jesus? Sermon text: Luke 15:1-7 Scriptures referenced: Luke 19:10, I Corinthians 5:9-11, Luke 7:34, Isaiah 53:6, Luke 14:18, 21, Matthew 28:19 In this sermon, Pastor Joel referenced two books: - Messy Grace: How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction (Caleb Kaltenbach) - Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future (Peter Thiel) Download worship guide> View companion study>

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