The Cross (Apr 4-5)

The Cross (Apr 4-5)

March 30, 2020

This weekend in children’s church, we will learn about the week leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. We will understand the importance of telling Jesus’story to others and how Jesus chose to suffer and die to save us from our sins.

When you sit at home: Age 3-Grade 2 reads Luke 22:54-62. Grade 3 reads John 19:1-3, 6-11, 16, 19, 30. Grades 4-5 read John 19:1-3, 6-11, 16,30; Luke 23:32-43. Talk about the events that led up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. What good or bad choices did people make? What can we do when we make a bad choice? Check out this link for an online Holy Week storybook your kids can color.

Storybook video

When you walk along the road: When we follow Jesus and do what is right in His eyes, we become more like Him. What are some clues that might show us someone is a follower of Jesus? How do people know you know Jesus? Take turns telling each other why you believe the other person knows Jesus by completing the statement, “I think you know Jesus, because I saw you ____.”

When you lie down: Pray this prayer each day this week: “Lord, help us to always tell others we know You. Thank You for always showing us You know and love us. Thank You for loving us so much that You chose to die on the cross to save us. Amen.”

When you get up: Holy Week is a wonderful time to plan some family activities that will help you remember the reason we celebrate Easter. For some ideas, check out this link.

Print a coloring page

Ages 3-K Bible Memory Verse
“We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19
Audio (English) / Audio (Spanish)

Grades 1-5 Bible Memory Verse
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24
Audio (English) / Audio (Spanish) / Video

KIDS: Did you get this weekend’s take home paper? No?? Download it below. And, don’t forget! You can watch this weekend’s Delbert & Lello or Grade School sketch on the Northland mobile app or on Northland's Roku channel!

* Parent Card (Walkers & Twos)

* Ponder, Pray & Play (Age 3)

* Ponder, Pray & Play (Ages 4-K)

* Daily Way (Grades 1-3)

* W3 (Grades 4-5)

Check out Children’s Ministries on the Northland App!

Know what your children are learning in Children’s Church.
Engage your family in conversation about the weekend’s Bible lesson.
See the weekend’s puppet and drama sketches.
Listen to the Bible memory verse songs.
Access the Church calendar.

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7

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