Letters from Revelation (Jul 31-Aug 1)

Letters from Revelation (Jul 31-Aug 1)

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July 29, 2021

We worship the Holy Spirit who shows us the exciting things Jesus is going to do. This weekend in children’s church, we will continue reading from the New Testament letters. In Early Childhood, we will talk about Jesus’ return and in Grade School, we will talk about how Jesus cares about our ongoing relationship with Him.

This weekend, Grades 1-5 will receive a personal invitation to be close to God through receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior. If you or your child would like to know more about how to receive eternal life, use the Children’s Guide for New Believers (downloadable here) for further discussion and prayer.

When you sit at home: Age 3-Kindergarten read Revelation 1:1-2, 7;22:12. We don’t know when Jesus will return, but when He was here on earth, He told His disciples to always be ready (Matthew 24:44). Jesus wants us to always do our best to live a life pleasing to Him. What do you think it will look like to see Jesus coming with the clouds?

Grades 1-5 read Revelation 3:14-16, 19-22. What is the promise Jesus makes to those who want to be close to Him? (Rev 3: 20-21)

When you walk along the road: Talk about what it means to make a decision to follow Jesus. Following Jesus isn’t just about making sure we go to heaven; Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with us right now. Even after we choose to follow Jesus and believe in Him, He continues to knock at the door of our hearts to be closer with us every day. What do you think of when you hear Jesus is “knocking on the door of your heart”?

When you lie down: Pray this prayer each day this week: “Thank You, Lord, for giving us Your letters to the churches. Help us to draw closer to You every day .”

When you get up: Grab a blanket or some lounge chairs, go outside, and watch the clouds go by. Sometimes a cloud shape may remind you of the shape of an animal, a flower, or a face. What do the cloud shapes look like to you? Imagine what the sky will look like on the day Jesus comes back with the clouds.

Age 3-K Bible Memory Verse
“Behold, I am coming soon.” Revelation 22:12

Grades 1-5 Bible Memory Verse“
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

KIDS: Did you get this weekend’s take home paper? No?? Download it below. And, don’t forget! You can watch this weekend’s Delbert & Lello or Grade School sketch on the Northland mobile app!

PARENTS: There’s a devotional for you, too! Watch the video and download the materials at northlandchurch.net

Upcoming Events: Check out what's coming up in Northland Children's Ministries at Longwood!

'These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.' Deuteronomy 6:6-7


Check out the Children’s Ministries section in the Northland App!

Search for “Northland Children's Ministries” at your app/play store or CLICK HERE.

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