Letters About Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus (July 10-11)

Letters About Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus (July 10-11)

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July 8, 2021

We worship the Holy Spirit who guides us to keep our eyes on Jesus. This weekend in children’s church, we will continue reading the New Testament letters. We’ll talk about how keeping our eyes on Jesus will strengthen us and help us to never give up.

When you sit at home: Age 3-Kindergarten read Hebrews 12:1-3. Grades 1-2 read Hebrews 12:1-12. Grade 3 reads Hebrews 12:1-3; Philippians 3:12-16, 20-21. Grades 4-5 read Hebrews 12:1-4; Philippians 3:12-16, 20-21; Romans 8:5. (Parents, be sure your children understand the words in these scriptures. Focus on Hebrews 12:1-3 if you have multi-ages. You may wish to use the biblegateway.com links above to read from another version such as the New International Reader’s Version.)  What is the race that is set before us? What does it mean to keep our eyes on Jesus?

When you walk along the road: Paul compares Christians to runners because as Christians we should have a lot of the same qualities and attitudes as runners or athletes. What does a runner have to do to be ready for competition? It takes constant practice and focus to run well. Each day you will run a little bit better than the day before. How is this similar to the Christian life?

When you lie down: Pray this prayer each day this week: “Dear Jesus, thank You for being the example we can follow for this journey of faith we are on. Help us to keep our eyes on You as we run the race You have set before us. Amen.”

When you get up: Have a family relay race around the block or at a nearby park. Pass a baton (stick, wooden spoon, or princess wand!) from one family member to the next until everyone has completed a loop. For any family members who aren’t able to run, let them choose a task they can complete when it’s their turn. Time how long it takes for the family to complete the race. Race again and see if you can beat your overall time.

Age 3-K Bible Memory Verse “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26b

Grades 1-5 Bible Memory Verse “ Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” Matthew 7:7

KIDS: Did you get this weekend’s take home paper? No?? Download it below. And, don’t forget! You can watch this weekend’s Delbert & Lello or Grade School sketch on the Northland Children’s Ministries mobile app or on Northland's Roku channel!

PARENTS: There’s a devotional for you, too! Watch the video and download the materials at northlandchurch.net

Upcoming Events: Check out what's coming up in Northland Children's Ministries at Longwood!

'These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.' Deuteronomy 6:6-7


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