Children’s Ministries volunteers make big impact on little lives.
Serving in Children’s Ministries for many years has given me many opportunities to experience and witness little lives being changed. I have watched children grow not only in stature, but in maturity in their faith. They start out as crying infants and in just a couple of years are excited to show off the crafts they make.
Before long they are making the decision to ask Jesus into their hearts, and their lives have been changed forever.
It takes time to teach our children the stories Jesus gave us in the gospel. It takes parents, other family members and people at church to teach children how much God loves them. It is a worthy and rewarding task.
I recently heard a story from one of our volunteers that is a great example of a life changed. She had a little girl who came to church with her grandmother each week. The girl was very sad because her mom had died and her dad did not live at home. Her grandmother, who is now raising her, continued to bring her to church. This child never missed her Sunday school class. The teacher continued to tell her she was loved and that God would never leave her.
Several years later, this teacher was sitting in service in “big church.” She whispered to her husband, “Look! This child and her grandmother are serving us Communion!” The little girl was so focused on the task, she did not see the teacher until she looked up to serve the bread. She smiled big and said, “Hi! It’s the body of Christ!” The teacher gave the girl a hug and told her how proud she was of her. The girl beamed from ear to ear. The small, broken child the teacher had met years before was now serving her. What a joy it is to teach this next generation who God is and what He has done!
I am grateful to serve beside people who love and teach our children.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
– Proverbs 22:6 (NASB)