Applying Mustard Seed Principles at Your Workplace

Applying Mustard Seed Principles at Your Workplace

October 9, 2018

We’ve heard a lot from Pastor Matt lately about the concept of being fully alive in Jesus. In John 10:10 (NIV), Jesus himself tells us, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” We learned that it is not enough to just receive this life, but as we are filled with it, we must freely, and enthusiastically, pass it on to everyone around us. Have you considered the implications of this calling at your workplace? Are you fully alive at work?
Is your workplace a life-giving environment or does it suck the life out of you and your coworkers? Does it foster professional fulfillment, encouragement and growth, or is it a toxic environment filled with unrealistic demands, negativity and gossip? Regardless of the extent of how broken it is, the good news is that you yourself can do a lot to positively impact your workplace.
Whether you are the big boss or a team member, every one of us impacts the culture, the business and those we work with daily, whether we realize it or not. As followers of Christ, we represent something bigger than ourselves, and are empowered by the Holy Spirit to shine His light and bring Life to all around us. Does the thought of this responsibility overwhelm you? Consider the fact that every large, majestic tree started as a single, tiny seed. And so, just like planting very small mustard seeds will bring about strong, life-giving trees, doing very small things at your workplace has the potential to grow into great, strong, and powerful relationships that ensure organizational success on many levels.
These seemingly “small things” can be your positive attitude and outlook that build trust and respect, and offer a safe, non-threatening environment where people can thrive and realize their potential. Or they can be small actions, such as showing up on time, working well with the people whose gifts complement yours, and refraining from spreading negativity. Leaders should exercise determination, courage and humility in how they lead. They can be courageous in asking for advice, listening to others, giving credit and encouragement, and recognizing that everything we achieve is a gift from God.

To further explore the seemingly little things you can do daily at your workplace, please join The Wisdom Academy ministry on Friday, October 19, 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. in the Rink for a “Practicing Mustard Seed Leadership” workshop. We will unpack the 'The Mustard Seed Leadership' Chasing Wisdom podcast with Dr. Myron Harvey, Founder, Human Capital Consulting. Dr. Sam Certo, author of Chasing Wisdom, and the instructor of Northland’s Godly Wisdom in Business class will lead the workshop. All who register will be expected to listen to the 20-minute podcast prior to attending the workshop.

Bring a friend or a co-worker to enjoy fellowship with like-minded people, a delicious breakfast, and to learn practical skills for successfully blending biblical and business principles in your organizations.


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