Advent 3: Jesus Is Born (Dec 14-15)

Advent 3: Jesus Is Born (Dec 14-15)

December 12, 2019

Today,we celebrate the third week of Advent. Advent helps us get our hearts ready to celebrate the coming of Jesus. This weekend in children’s church, we are reading the story of Jesus’ birth and consider the miracle of the Savior coming near to us as a baby.

   Ages 4-K Whisper Verse: “A Savior has been born.”

When you sit at home: Age 3-Kindergarten read Luke 2:1-7. Grade 1-2 read Luke 2:4-7. Grade 3 reads Luke 2:4-7; John 1:1-2. Grades 4-5 read Luke 2:1-7; John 1:1-2. You may have read the story of Jesus’ birth many times before. Read it in a new way—choose a new Bible version, tell the story in your own words, or act it out.

When you walk along the road: What was special about Jesus’ birth?

When you lie down: Pray this prayer each day this week: “Lord, thank You for coming near to us through Your birth. We could never thank You for all You have done so that those who believe in You can be near to You forever. Amen.”

When you get up: Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem before Jesus was born. Are you traveling this Christmas to visit family or friends or are you traveling to a nearby place to see Christmas lights or another celebration of Christmas? How can you share the good news of Jesus’ birth with those you will meet? You might tell them you’re glad to celebrate Jesus’ birth with them, invite them to a Christmas Eve service, or make costumes for family and friends to act out the Christmas story together.

Age 3-K Bible Memory Verse
“Glory to God in the highest!” Luke 2:14a
Audio (English) / Audio (Spanish)

Grades 1-5 Bible Memory Verse
“I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord. Glory to God in the highest.” Luke 2:10b, 11, 14a
Audio (English) / Audio (Spanish) / Video

KIDS: Did you get this weekend’s take home paper? No?? Download it below. And, don’t forget! You can watch this weekend’s Delbert & Lello or Grade School sketch on the Northland Children’s Ministries mobile app or on Northland's Roku channel!

* Parent Card (Walkers & Twos)

* Ponder, Pray & Play (Age 3)

* Ponder, Pray & Play (Ages 4-K)

* Daily Way (Grades 1-3)

* W3 (Grades 4-5)

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7

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See the weekend’s puppet and drama sketches.
Listen to the Bible memory verse songs.
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