Easter Sunday, following a worship service, a young woman walked up to me and was effusive about Joel’s sermon. Then suddenly she paused and asked, “What it’s like for you when you listen to Joel preach?” I didn’t even have to think about my answer, I immediately responded, “It’s a whole lot like it is for you!”
Now, I’m going to take a moment to be effusive myself! When I’m listening to Joel preach, I hear a man who loves God with his whole heart offering all of us the treasures that relationship has placed there. Quite honestly, there are few things I enjoy more than listening to my husband preach. I learn so much about God from him. The decades of prayer and study he has committed his life to have resulted in godly wisdom that completely blows my mind. He can tell a short story that makes me laugh, cry and commit to be a better person before he even gets to the last line. His passion for effectively communicating keeps him close to his Bible and far away from his outlined notes. And no one gets more Fitbit steps in while preaching than Joel Hunter does! I love my preacher. And wow, does he ever help me love my God!
April 18 is Joel’s birthday, so on Tuesday I’ll be singing the birthday song and thanking God for the first 69 years of his life. I can only imagine what another year of prayer and study will add to the treasures he will share with us.
“The good man produces what is good and honorable and moral out of the good treasure in his heart …” – Luke 6:45(a) (Amplified Bible)