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Julie Castel

July 12, 2024

👶👶🙏😭🤰🤱🤞PRAYING FOR INFERTILITY MIRACLE and Pregnancy & Conception“Please, God, heal my ovaries, my womb, and my eggs. Please, God, let me naturally conceive from my husband's Vladimir Jarrin sperm a healthy baby. Let me carry that baby to term and let them lead a happy and healthy life.” 🙏😭🤰🤱👶(HEALTHY SUCCESSFUL PREGNANCY and a healthy successful birth delivery a healthy growing baby full term nine month 🙏😭👶👶🤞2024 of this NEW YEAR with all his and hers ten fingers and ten toes in God's holy Image 🙏 😭 🤰 🤱 🤞 👶my bundle of joy 😊 🙏my husband Vladimir jarrin and i are desperately seeking for God's powerful MIRACLES to blessed us together has husband and wife with our