Rick and Christina Kingsley

Rick and Christina Kingsley work with Cru at Florida State University in Tallahassee where Rick is a Missional Team Leader. Cru believes that if you reach the campus today, you'll reach the world tomorrow. They also realize that college students make some of the most important decisions in their life during their time in college. Cru wants to come alongside them and help them to see a godly perspective and to make the decision to follow Christ. The Kingsleys are following God's call to FSU where Rick will become the campus director. Rick and Christina will be sharing the gospel with students who don't know Christ while equipping those who do for a lifetime of ministry (regardless of their chosen profession). They want every person at FSU to have a chance to hear and respond to the gospel. The Kingsleys have three kids: Reagan, Jackson and Judah and they love to play outside as a family.
