Dave and Nita Zelenak

David and Nita Zelenak work with USA Mobilization at New Tribes Missions in Sanford, Florida. From the jungles of Venezuela to an office in Sanford, Dave and Nita have served for 40 years with New Tribes. They love helping plant churches among people groups whose language and culture prevent them from hearing the Gospel. The Zelenaks served 8 years in Venezuela where they worked among the Yanomamo people. Later, they led numerous short-term missions trips worldwide. Currently the Zelenaks oversee NTM-USA's representation team, working together with them to inform, encourage and serve US churches and colleges as they partner with NTM to plant churches in the least reached areas of the world. The Zelenaks have two children: Jennie and Tim. Both Dave and Nita like learning new things and passing on helpful knowledge to others. Nita particularly enjoys teaching classes on Biblical conflict resolution and tutoring Spanish students. Dave enjoys going on adventures with their grandchildren.

