Barry and Denise Spor

Barry and Denise Spor work as church planters with New Tribes Mission in Colombia and Brazil. The Spors started church planting with the Guanano people in Colombia in 1983. They learned the local language and culture so they could effectively teach the Bible narrative to natives. Sometimes it took months to teach Bible stories, but fruit was seen as people came to Christ and churches were started. Currently the Spors are working on raising up leaders and pastors to spread the gospel and lead congregations. Barry and Denise returned to Colombia in February 2015 and are building a jungle house to live with the Colombian Guanano church. Barry also does consultant work with other tribal church planting teams; coaching, guiding, and making work plans to see them plant maturing church bodies. All 5 of their children were born in Colombia. In their free time, the Spors enjoy spending time on the water, swimming and going on picnics.
