






Serving Well

A message from
Guest Preacher Chad Hovind

Acts 6:1-7 (NIV)


Acts 6:1-7 (NIV)

The Believers Share Their Possessions

1 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. 2 So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, "It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. 3 Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them 4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word."

5 This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. 6 They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid hands on them.

7 So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.

Worship Focus

Digging Deeper

THIS WEEK'S Bible study


Empowered: Serving Well

Key Bible Verses

  • Acts 6:1-7


The Apostles in the early church had a problem. There was friction between two cultural groups in the church. The Apostles came up with a solution that met the needs of everyone involved, while allowing them to keep doing the work of prayer and spreading the Gospel. Their solution was to appoint other believers, deacons, who would distribute food fairly and care for widows in need.  

In our churches today, there are needs to be met and lots to do as the church cares for those in the body. Just as in the early church, qualified people are needed for many different tasks so that the church can run smoothly, fairly and inclusively.   

As the people of God, we need to be available to serve others. This serving responsibility requires that each of us prepare to care for the body of believers. 

A first step to prepare to serve is to look at the criteria that the Apostles used for selecting deacons in Acts 6:1-7. We can then prayerfully consider how we can incorporate these criteria into our lives.  

  • Full of the Holy Spirit. (We need to be able to discern and be willing to listen to the Holy Spirit, be teachable and be humble.)
  • Demonstrate wisdom. (We need to read the Bible, pray and seek guidance from other believers when needed.)
  • Be of good character. (We need to check our hearts, ensure we live a godly life, be fair and just in our dealings, and demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit.)
  • Be trusted by all in the body of believers. (We need to be trustworthy and not gossipers, and be just, impartial and fair to all without bias.)

As we develop plans to incorporate these criteria for serving into our daily lives,   we might need to make changes as we learn how God desires to use us. We can take great joy as we are open and responsive to what God is teaching us and how He guides us to serve Him and others.  

Finally, the early church had qualified people serving and caring for the body of believers. The Bible states, “The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” May God help each of us do our part by serving and helping the body of believers to grow strong and spread the Word of God to our neighbors and nations.


Deacons were appointed in the early church.

  • There was a dispute in the early church about distribution of assistance to widows.

  • The church took the support of widows seriously because widows had no other support.
  • Satan wanted to create division within the early church by pitting one group against another (Hebrews and Hellenists), even though all were Christ followers. 
  • Hebrews were Jews who embraced Jewish culture and were mostly from Judea. They tended to view Hellenists as those who made unspiritual compromises with Greek culture.
  • Hellenists were Jews who were more inclined to embrace Greek culture and were from all over the Roman Empire. They tended to view Hebrews as “holier-than-thou” traditionalists.
  • Apparently, the Christians from a Hellenistic background felt that the Hebrew widows were receiving preferential treatment. Even if this issue was from poor supervision, an oversight or disorganization, it was causing issues in the early church body.
  • The Apostles arranged for deacons to be nominated.
  • The Apostles knew they needed to stick to prayer and the ministry of the Word, but they had to fix the situation that occurred.
  • Their solution was to delegate the work of feeding the widows by appointing deacons. This delegation of serving responsibilities gave more people the opportunity to serve others and be involved in serving.
  • The Apostles asked the believers in the community to nominate candidates and developed a solution that was pleasing to everyone.
  • The final appointment of the seven deacons rested with the Apostles. 

  • The Apostles had criteria for whom they nominated. A deacon was:
  • Full of the Holy Spirit.
  • Full of wisdom.
  • Of good character.
  • Trusted by both the Hebrews and Hellenists. 

  • The Apostles laid hands on the seven candidates, showing that they were designated for this task by God and the Apostles.
  • Unity was maintained in the early church, the Word of God spread and the numbers of disciples multiplied.

Life Application

Deliberately and thoughtfully take time to serve someone else this week. 

Here are a few suggestions to jump-start your thinking. Be creative and open to where God leads you to serve others.  

   –Pray for someone’s needs.

   –Help someone in your family.

   –Volunteer at church.

   –Pray for someone.

   –Make someone a meal.

   –Donate items to charity.

   –Send someone an encouraging card, email or text.

   –Share God’s word with a neighbor or friend.

   –Take someone out to lunch and listen — really listen — to them.

   –Give someone a gift card who has served you or encouraged you.

   –Say “thank you.” 

   –Use your talents and gifts to care for others. 

Take note of how you feel after you have served someone else. How could you incorporate serving into your daily life? 

Small Group Discussion Questions

  • What is your most memorable experience of helping someone in need?
  • How does loving God relate to serving others?
  • What are some examples of how Jesus served others?
  • Why is serving others important as we engage with our neighbors and nations?
  • Where might you be able to serve someone this week?

Daily Devotional Bible Passages

  • Monday- Serving by Helping Others- Matthew 25:44-45; Isaiah 1:17; Hebrews 13:16; Deuteronomy 22:4
  • Tuesday - Serving in Humility- 1 Timothy 6:17-19; Philippians 2:4; Romans 15:1
  • Wednesday- Serving the Church- Romans 12:13; Galatians 6:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:11
  • Thursday - Serving Nations and Neighbors- Acts 9:36; Matthew 5:16; Hebrews 13:16
  • Friday - Serving in Love- John 15:12; Luke 6:30; Luke 10:27-37


Lord, we thank you that you have given us the opportunity to serve and be a blessing to others. Let us share the Good News, the Gospel, with neighbors and nations so that they may come to salvation in Jesus Christ. Open our hearts so that we can be ready, willing and able to serve. Give us wisdom and eyes to see the needs of others around us. Let us serve and respond to these needs so that you will be glorified, and others will be drawn to you by our witness of King Jesus. 

Additional Resources

Sign up for the Northland Newsletter.

Participate in the course, "Exploring the Faith."

Participate in the class, "Sharing Your Hope with Others." 

About This Sermon Series


Upcoming Weekends

» March 4-5
EMPOWERED | Stephen's Seized, Stephen Shares, Stephen Stoned |
Senior Executive Pastor of Commission Gus Davies

» March 11-12
EMPOWERED | Saul's Conversion |
Governing Elder Vince Taylor

Upcoming Worship Services

» March 4-5
EMPOWERED | Stephen's Seized, Stephen Shares, Stephen Stoned |
Senior Executive Pastor of Commission Gus Davies

» March 11-12
EMPOWERED | Saul's Conversion |
Governing Elder Vince Taylor

Connect With Us

New to Northland? Need prayer? Looking for community?
Have questions about God or faith? Did you recently accept Christ? Do you want to know more about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus? Wherever you are on your faith journey, we want to come alongside you.

What's Current

Exploring The Faith

Sundays, March 5 through March 26 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

This class will be of benefit to you if you are just beginning your spiritual journey, if you have questions, or you are wanting to help others come to faith.

Register Here

Communion Class and Celebration (Grades 1-5)

Sunday, March 5 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Is your child ready to take Communion? Children, alongside their parent, guardian, or mentor, will explore the significance of communion. The class concludes with the celebration of communion.

Sign Up

Short Term Missions Class

Tuesdays, February 28 through March 28 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Come learn from members of our Missions team and hear stories from the field.

Book Study: "Prepare Your Heart– Short Term Mission Preparation Guide" by Cindy Judge. This book is available at the Northland bookstore.

Register Here

Easter Scavenger Hunt Serve Team (Grades 4-5)

Saturday, March 1, March 18, and April 1

Saturday, April 1 we will have an Easter Scavenger Hunt for families and we want your help planning and hosting it! If you are in 4th or 5th grade, this serve project is for you.

Let's Serve Together!

Easter Scavenger Hunt

Saturday, April 1 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

You and your children will hunt for clues related to the story of Jesus' death and resurrection. It's a great way to share the Easter story with your kids and keep the focus on Jesus this Easter season.


Good Friday

Friday, April 7 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Join us live or online and hear from Pastor Josh. Held the Friday before Easter, Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and His death at Calvary. It is the beginning of what we believe to be the most momentous weekend in the history of the world.

Learn More

Easter Services

Saturday, April 8 at 5 p.m. & 7 p.m. & Sunday, April 9 at 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of King Jesus! Children's church is available during all services for kids 6 weeks old to grade 5.


Stewardship Update

If you'd like to learn more or have questions related to finances at Northland, contact our finance team at FinanceTeam@NorthlandChurch.net.

Stewardship Update

Northland Tithes & Offerings
Need for Fiscal (7/1/20-6/30/21) $9.5M
As of 2/19/2023
If you'd like to learn more or have questions related to finances at Northland, contact our finance team at FinanceTeam@NorthlandChurch.net.