Perhaps you're wondering ... What is a Father's Blessing? Where did it come from? Is it biblical? Or is it just something that a well-meaning Christian leader made up or interpreted in the last few years?
I like what author Billy O’Neal has to say about the history significance of the blessing:
''The truth is, the history of the Father's Blessing extends back to our Heavenly Father, who set the precedence for it. For me personally, the Father's Blessing I received from my own dad ... radically changed my life. It set off a series of chain reactions, opening up an awareness of the Father's Blessings that I had never known was possible.
'People from all walks of life can receive this blessing because God put inside each of us a fundamental need to be loved, to be accepted, to be forgiven, to be wanted, to belong, and to connect with our Father. It's in our DNA. We can't help it. It's not just a Christian need, it's a human need. When these basic needs—these fundamental, foundational needs—are not met, then life itself becomes a journey of finding the fulfillment of these needs.
'The Father's Blessing also has a supernatural element to it. The supernatural part of the blessing is something that can't be explained, at least not by me. Throughout the Bible, there are examples of a father giving a blessing and the recipient then being supernaturally transformed and/or having a curse removed from his life. Sadly, the Father's Blessing has not been given much attention in the Christian community in recent years. The Father's Blessing and all it entails must be revealed again. I believe that time has come.'
Got questions about the event or about the Father's Blessing in general? Contact me at or 407-256-5576.