The Star of the Cross (Mar 21)

The Star of the Cross (Mar 21)

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March 18, 2021

Before your family devotional time, be sure you have a small cross or picture of a cross. Hide the Secret Symbol (cross) in the Treasure Box.

Display the Seven Stars Poster and review what Lent is. Lent is the 40 days before Easter when we join believers all over the world in getting our hearts ready to celebrate Easter.

If family members have given up a favorite thing or started a new habit for Lent, share how it’s going. How has it helped your heart and mind to focus on Jesus and what He has done for us?

This week is called Holy Week, the week before we celebrate Easter. During Holy Week, take time to think about what Jesus did for us on the cross. This week’s star is The Star of the Cross.

Child reveals the Secret Symbol (cross). This week’s secret symbol is a cross. It stands for the place where Jesus died for us to take the punishment for our sin. Sin is doing wrong in God’s eyes. Jesus died so we could be forgiven; it is as if He nailed our sins to the cross. Three days later, God raised Jesus back to life. By winning over death, Jesus brings us life forever close to God.

Child or parent reads Colossians 2:13b-15 from the Bible.

“God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; He took it away, nailing it to the cross.”

Display the Lent Reminder. Join me in saying our Lent Reminder:


Additional Activities

Talk About: Discuss the meaning of each of the special days of Holy Week (Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday). See page 3 for summaries of each Holy Day.

Activity: Holy Week

Decide if your family will participate in any services your church may have on these days or consider inviting another family to your home and sharing the Easter story with them.

Return to Seven Stars of Lent  main page.

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