The Star of Remembrance (Mar 7)

The Star of Remembrance (Mar 7)

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March 4, 2021

Before your family devotional time, be sure you have bread and a cup. Hide the Secret Symbol (bread and a cup) in the Treasure Box.

Display the Seven Stars Poster and review what Lent is. Lent is the 40 days before Easter when we join believers all over the world in getting our hearts ready to celebrate Easter. The 40 days reminds us of the 40 days when Jesus fasted (gave up eating) in the wilderness.

If family members have given up a favorite thing or started a new habit for Lent, share how it’s going. How has it helped your heart and mind to focus on Jesus and what He has done for us?

As you prepare your heart for Easter through giving up something special or continuing in your new habit, you can remember what Jesus has done for us. Each time you pray, read your Bible, worship God, give, spend time with other Christians, or serve, you can remember who Jesus is and what He has done. This week’s star is The Star of Remembrance.

Child reveals the Secret Symbols (bread and a cup). This week’s secret symbols are the bread and the cup of the New Covenant. They help us remember how Jesus gave His life for us.

Child or parent reads Luke 22:19 from the Bible.

“And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is My body given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.’”

Jesus gave us a special way to remember what He did for us. Each time you drink from a cup or eat bread, remember that Jesus gave His life for you.

Display the Lent Reminder. Join me in saying our Lent Reminder:


Let’s remember Jesus and His benefits—all the good things He has done for us. Sing Bible Memory Verse Song: “Praise the Lord, O My Soul” or read Psalm 103:1-5.

Additional Activities

Talk About: All who believe in Jesus are welcome to participate in Communion. If you or one of your children have never taken communion or if you do not yet believe in Jesus as Your Lord, talk about what it means to follow Jesus. See the Children’s Guide for New Believers or the Students' Guide for New Believers for more about how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Activity: Communion

Read Matthew 26:26-28. Ever since that Last Supper, believers have gathered to remember Jesus by eating bread and drinking juice or wine. We call it the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. When celebrating communion, we follow Jesus’ instructions by eating a piece of bread and drinking a sip of grape juice or wine. The bread represents Jesus’ body that was given for us. He gave it to pay for our sins so we could be forgiven and have life forever close with God. Jesus said the cup represented His “blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Jesus shed His blood and gave His life so anyone who believes in Him would be forgiven and have life forever close with God.


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