






The New City

A message from
Senior Pastor Josh Laxton

Revelation 21:1-5 (NIV)


Revelation 21:1-5 (NIV)

A New Heaven and a New Earth

1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be with them and be their God. 4 'He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the order of things has passed away."

5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

Worship Focus

Today we worship God for His power to make all things new. Every day we experience new life in Jesus Christ. One day, those who love Jesus will live in heaven, a new and beautiful city enlivened by God's presence and relieved from sadness and death.

Digging Deeper

THIS WEEK'S Bible study


Made For Mission: The New City

Last week, in Acts 1, we learned that God’s Gospel Revolution meets our deepest dissatisfactions, transforms us into the most powerful distribution force, and reorients us toward the most glorious destination.

This week, we’re going to skip to the last book in our Bible and talk about our glorious destination–heaven.

How to Use This Guide 

Thank you for taking the time to do this Bible study. When we dig deeper into God’s word, He promises to bless us. We follow in the footsteps of King David, who wrote in Psalm 119:105: “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

This guide will provide a weekly framework for spiritual conversations with friends or family. We encourage you to reach out to a friend or two, pick a time to get together each week, and work through this guide together. This Bible study can also be a good tool for families, perhaps coordinated with mealtimes.

What does the Bible say?

Have you ever read the entire book of Revelation? It is a challenging read, to say the least! In this Bible study, instead of concentrating on the depictions of God’s judgments against evil that are interwoven throughout, we’ll see what we can learn about heaven, our eternal resting place. Heaven is the place that God is preparing for us so that we can come and live with Him forever. What will it be like? Let’s see what we can find out.

Read Revelation 21:1-5.

Look for the repeated word “new” in Revelation 21:1 and 5. Write down what will be “new.” 

What has to pass away for the new to come in Revelation 21:1? Most of Revelation describes how the first heaven and the first earth will eventually be destroyed by God. Here, in Revelation 21, the end has come. 

What else is gone, according to Revelation 21:1? The sea represents the physical boundaries God placed upon humanity. God set the spatial parameters of the sea in place from the beginning of His creation. The most famous sea in Bible, the Red Sea, seemed like a dead end to the people of Israel as they fled their captors in Egypt. But God showed His power over the sea as He parted it and provided a way through for His people. The most famous sea in the New Testament is the Sea of Galilee. Jesus showed His power over this sea as He calmed the storm and walked on the water.

In the Bible, the sea also represents mystery. It is a chaotic, uncontrollable force that human beings cannot contain or master. At its full force, we recognize that we are at the mercy of the sea. But, God created this vast body of water and is its master. Read about His mastery over the sea in Job 38 and His command over the giant fish that reside in it as we learn in the Old Testament book of Jonah. 

In Revelation 13:1, an evil beast comes out of the sea. This figure represents political and military might that cooperates with and enforces the will of the evil one. Throughout history people have willingly joined with this force that opposes God, sometimes called Satan or the devil. God’s people have many times been under the authority of evil governments. Certainly John, the writer of this book, understood this. He received his vision while living in exile for his belief in Jesus under the Roman Emperor Domitian (51-96AD). 

When we read in Revelation 21:1 that there was no longer any sea, we find that we know more about what this means than we may have thought. In the new heaven and earth, there will no longer be any sea. This means that we can know for certain that God will eradicate all evil, and thus remove all obstacles that get in the way of the progress, power, and potential of the humans He created. 

Because God has eradicated evil, it is time for something new to arrive, something that could not co-exist with evil. It is a city, the Holy City, the new Jerusalem. In Revelation 21:2, this city is presented as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. For another description of her perfection, see Revelation 21:9-21. Who is the Bridegroom who has paid the betrothal price for His bride (see John 3:29)? The price that Jesus Christ paid for those who trust in Him, His bride, was His very life. This is why Jesus is portrayed as a Lamb in the book of Revelation. The Lamb who was slain is ever present in this new and Holy City to remind the inhabitants of their worth to God and to display the steps He was willing to take to lift the curse of sin and bring us back into a right relationship with God. Because of the sacrifice Jesus made in giving His life, there is no need for a temple and more sacrifices there (see John 21:22). Jesus has paid the price for His bride and they will live together forever.

Now that God has destroyed all evil and made over heaven and earth in preparation, a loud voice makes a wonderful proclamation in Revelation 21:3. Where does the voice come from? What are the statements made? We can look at each of these truths as proof that all evil and sin have been removed. The items show the reversal of the worst repercussion of sin. Sin caused human beings to be separated from God. Over and over in John’s vision, God is presented as holy. This means He is perfect and cannot be associated with evil. This is why something new was necessary. This is why a price had to be paid by the spotless Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. This is why evil had to be destroyed. At this point in the vision, this objective has been achieved. Now, God can dwell, not just visit, but live with His people. God Himself will be with those who love Him and He will be their God forever. They will never again stray from Him. The main hindrance–sin–has been removed and will never return.

After God’s relationship is restored for good with His people, what is the first thing God does in Revelation 21:4? That God has to wipe away tears from His people’s eyes, means that before evil was eradicated, human beings were frustrated, hopeless, and sad. But now, in our new home, their tears will not have to be wiped away. If they do cry, they will be tears of joy, gratefulness, and relief. 

What else is destroyed in Revelation 21:4? Why is this important? Our tears are often shed because of the dear ones we have lost to death. We experience the pain of separation from those we love. Without evil, there is no need for death. This means there will be no more mourning or crying or pain. Why has this happened? The voice tells us: “the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4). The old order of things, marred by sin, is now renewed and perfect. Like a cancer, sin had infiltrated all of life. It is no more. 

Now we hear from the One who is seated on the throne. According to Revelation 21:5, what does He say? Notice that the scope is “everything.” There is nothing that has not been tainted by sin. But, the One who rules it all can make everything new. What is the order that God then gives to John in this same verse? God describes the words He says as trustworthy and true. You can’t get a better endorsement than that. Look ahead one more verse to Revelation 12:6. Who is the One who is faithful and true? What else does He say about Himself in this verse and what else will He do?

The picture given in these few verses is echoed throughout John’s vision as it was shown to Him by God. God is holy. Jesus is the Lamb of God, sacrificed for the sin of the world. Evil will be destroyed completely from all of God’s creation. God’s people will then be able to live with Him as His closest companions, like a bride to Him. They will be a beautiful and joyful bride and finally live in peace, faithfulness, and truth without any boundaries on their potential, power, and progress.

Since we don’t know as much as we would like to about our heavenly home, we often turn to fantasy. We’ve all read the stories and seen paintings of people sitting on clouds playing harps. But, this depiction is not in the Bible. Instead, we find that heaven is a city. A city is a place of activity, not boredom. God’s city is beautiful and populated with people who are holy. Let’s linger a little longer and see if there other details we can gather in these last two chapters of our Bible. 

Revelation 21:6 confirms that God will meet our needs and refresh us in heaven with water from the spring of the water of life. This river is described in Revelation 22:1-2 as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. It is pure and life-giving. Straddling the river is the tree of life which bears fruit. It’s leaves are for the healing of the nations. Both the water and the tree bring life and sustenance to the people who live there. There is no more death, only perpetual and perfect life. 

In Revelation 21:7, we find an interesting detail. Those who are victorious will inherit the eternal life that John describes. In verse 8, there is a list of the kinds of activities that will not take place in the new heaven and earth. So, when we look around us and see wrongdoing, we know that we are not there yet. The fight against evil is not over. This means that those who love and follow God have a part to play in God’s mission to abolish all evil at its appointed time. Plus, our loved ones who are already in heaven will also be a part of this final battle (Revelation 19:4), riding on white horses behind Jesus who is King of Kings, and Lord Of Lords (Revelation 19:16). We may not know what their involvement is now, but perhaps in heaven, they are preparing for the battle and cheering us on. For those of us left on earth, we want to make sure we are on the winning side of the battle against evil. God will, indeed, win it. 

In Revelation 21:22, John tells us that he did not see a temple in the heavenly city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. Neither does the city need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp (21:23). We go on to read in Revelation 21:24-27 that there will be nations in the city and kings who bring their glory and splendor in. The gates will never be shut and it will never be dark there. The city’s inhabitants will never bring in anything impure, shameful, or deceitful. They will live in harmony and trust with all others, even those who are different. This city will be unlike any city we’ve ever experienced. Why is this so?

Revelation 22:3- 5 lets us know that those who live in this city will no longer live under the curse of sin, a terrible reality that has plagued every human being since Adam and Eve. God and Jesus will rule over all. Those who live there will freely serve God without any hindrance from within ourselves or from anything or anyone outside of ourselves. The city’s inhabitants will see God’s face. They will be so associated with God that His name will be on their foreheads.This is another way of saying that the people now bear His image perfectly. John says again that the city will never get dark. From this place of light and goodness, human beings will reign as God originally intended.

Do you believe that heaven is real? God, with His true and faithful words, has given us a picture of what is to come. Do you see yourself as a part of the war that God is engaging against evil? Are you on God’s side? What evil are you willing to tolerate or even invite into your life? What is the benefit of entertaining such things when all of heaven is against them? Do you really want to be on the losing side? 

Prayer: We worship You, God for Your power to make all things new. Every day we experience new life in Jesus Christ. But, one day, those who love Jesus will live in heaven, a new and beautiful city enlivened by God's presence and relieved from sadness and death. May we join You in Your victory against sin and evil and be ready for You when You return. Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Small Group Discussion Questions

  1. The main point from the sermon was: God's mission in the future should affect how we live in the present.

What do you think heaven will be like? Why do you think the Bible doesn't say more than it does about heaven? God's plan is that people he created would live with Him forever in heaven. What is our role in this mission? What would need to change in your life for you to join in God's plan of redemption?

      2. What do you think life will be like without sin? What kinds of things will disappear? Does knowing heaven is real help you navigate the effects of sin in the world today? How?

  1. Who in your life needs to hear about God's plan to redeem the world and eradicate sin? Do you think this message would be attractive to them? 
  2. The book of Revelation is a difficult one to understand. But, if we distill it down to its essence, we can talk about it with others.

a. God is holy and perfect.

b. All human beings are separated from Him because of sin.

c. Jesus, God's Son gave His sinless life on the cross for us and became the Lamb of God.

d. At some point in the future, God is going to eradicate evil for all time.

e. People from every nation will then live with Him forever in a new heaven and a new earth.

f. Do you want to be there too?

  1. Who in your life needs to hear this good news?

About This Sermon Series

God is on mission to redeem a people from all peoples who will reflect His glory in all spheres of life. God’s mission shapes the world. The Bible describes and confirms this mission from beginning to end. Woven into the creation of Adam and Eve, the mission extended to all nations through God’s promise to Abraham. It was embodied in a covenant people called Israel who were to be a light to other nations. Upon His arrival, Jesus took up this same mission and taught it to His disciples.


God is on mission to redeem a people from all peoples who will reflect His glory in all spheres of life.

God’s mission shapes the world. The Bible describes and confirms this mission from beginning to end.

Woven into the creation of Adam and Eve, the mission extended to all nations through God’s promise to Abraham. It was embodied in a covenant people called Israel who were to be a light to other nations. Upon His arrival, Jesus took up this same mission and taught it to His disciples. Equipped by the Spirit of God, the disciples were to go into all the world and make more disciples. Today, those who follow Christ take on His mission to redeem a people from all peoples. We were designed to reflect His glory in every sphere of life, not only in this present life but in the life which is to come. In heaven, we will see the culmination of God’s mission and join with a multitude of worshipers from every tribe, nation, and tongue who gather before God’s throne .Until then, will you give your life to God? Will you join in His mission?

Upcoming Weekends

» October 22-23
THE BACKSTORY OF GENEROSITY | The Principle of Generosity |
Lead Pastor Josh Laxton

» October 29-30
THE BACKSTORY OF GENEROSITY | The Purpose of Generosity |
Lead Pastor Josh Laxton

Upcoming Worship Services

» October 22-23
THE BACKSTORY OF GENEROSITY | The Principle of Generosity |
Lead Pastor Josh Laxton

» October 29-30
THE BACKSTORY OF GENEROSITY | The Purpose of Generosity |
Lead Pastor Josh Laxton

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Local Serve Day

Saturday, October 22 at 8 a.m.

Don't miss out on our next serve day as we care for our neighbors and local community. We'll gather as a large group in the morning for worship and then head out to serve throughout the community on various projects!

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Missional Halloween Candy

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On Oct. 31 when your doorbell rings, why not pass out candy with a message that can change a child's life? Northland is offering for sale candy bars with an invitation to church.

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Movie Night: Family Camp!

Friday, October 28 at 6:30 p.m.

We are hosting a family movie night on Friday, October 28 at 6:30 p.m. Join us for trunk or treating followed by a family-friendly movie for all ages on our side lawn.

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Stewardship Update

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Need for Fiscal (7/1/20-6/30/21) $9.5M
As of 10/10/2022
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