






Simple Sign to a World of Wonder

A message from
Senior Pastor Josh Laxton

Matthew 2:1-11 (NIV)


Matthew 2:1-11 (NIV)

The Magi Visit the Messiah

1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him."

3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 When he had called them together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked where the Messiah was to be born. 5 "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written:

6 “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
   are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
   who will shepherd my people Israel.’"

7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him."

9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Worship Focus

Digging Deeper

THIS WEEK'S Bible study


Simple Christmas: Simple Sign to a World of Wonder

Key Bible Verses

Matthew 2:1-12

Daniel 2:44;   Daniel 7:13-14;  Daniel 7:27

Numbers 24:17

Micah 5:2, 4

Psalm 119; Isaiah 55; Hebrews 4; John 17; Matthew 4: Ephesians 6; Matthew 4

Sermon Quotes


“Christmas is the SIMPLE SIGN pointing people to the WORLD of WONDER.”

“While we see the Christmas season as one of business and complexity, it is also a time of WONDER.”

“I believe with all my heart that every single person on planet earth, regardless of age, longs for a sense of wonder.”

“What makes the coming of Christ so wonderful is how He came so simply.”

What began months earlier as the Magi stared out into space and saw this bright star, which led them on a journey to find the newborn king of Israel, has now concluded with them entering into a house and finding this beautiful baby boy.”

“In a day and age where people want to see the death of God, the death of a cosmic King who would demand full allegiance and loyalty, who would provide a rule and ways on how to live in all the spread of life, we must, like the wisemen, guard our loyalty and allegiance to the King.”


Matthew 2:1-12 shares with us the sense of wonder that the Magi or wisemen experienced as they set out on their long journey.  They followed a beautiful star and they were open and inquisitive to see where it would lead them and what they would find.  

Because of prophecies that had been handed down to them, they were looking for a new King and Kingdom.  They were looking for a better world.   When they finally found the newborn baby Jesus, they worshiped Him with gold, frankincense and myrrh.   They had found their heart’s desire. 

Just like the Magi or wisemen, we should be living a life seeking wonder.  Wonder is defined as “a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.”  Wonder allows us to see everything that God has created and lets us realize that we are a part of something much greater than just ourselves.    

We learn, through God’s word, that the most wonderful wonder is God’s love for us.  God loves us so much that He gave us the miracle of salvation through Jesus Christ.  We have assurance of our salvation through our faith in Jesus;  we have the privilege of going to God in prayer;  we have the Bible which teaches us truth and how to live obedient lives;  we have the gift of peace which passes all understanding.   As believers, we should seek and find wonder as we walk through our lives.

But as adults, we can get jaded.  We can give up child-like wonder.  We often don’t take the time to seek out new things or ask questions or take the time to slow down and see the wonder that is around us.  Unlike children, who question everything, who are willing to try new and different things, and who see wonder and the joy of learning in all things, sometimes as adults we go through life stifling our curiosity and wonder and trudging through our days.

Think about what would have happened if the Magi did not have a sense of wonder.  They might have not seen the star and, like many around them, they might have missed it.  They might not have set out on a dangerous journey from their land to Israel.  They might have given up when they got to Jerusalem and seemed to hit a dead end on their wonder filled journey.  But these wisemen kept on going.  They searched. They questioned King Herod and the religious leaders.  They got answers.  And when they found out what they needed to know, they acted on what their wonder (and knowledge) had taught them.  They were rewarded when they found the newborn baby Jesus and they were able to worship the newborn King and give Him adoration and gifts.  

As we continue to learn ways that we can simplify Christmas, let us not lose sight of the wonder of the season.  Take some time to read the Bible.  Spend extra time with God praying for your friends and neighbors—especially those who do not know about Jesus.  Look at the world around you like children do—experiencing joy and wonder and awe at all that God has made and done for you and for the world.

Christmas is the simple sign pointing people to the world of wonder!


Christmas is a simple sign pointing us to the world of wonder that Jesus came to bring.

  • Why do the Magi leave their country?  (Matthew 2:2)

The Wonder of the Star.

  • Exact number of Magi or wisemen not know but probably more than three.
  • They came from the east and scholars believe there were either Babylonian, Medes or Persian.
  • According to theologians they were priests who advised the king and specialized in astrology and the interpretation of dreams and possibly the magical arts.
  • They follow the star on their journey.
  • How does this group of leaders know anything about Jewish prophecies concerning a Jewish Messianic King?

At one point in Israel’s history, some of its brightest young men were exiled to Babylonia and were made royal officials in the king’s court.

  • Daniel, as an exiled Israelite in the royal court, interpreted the king’s dream (Nebuchadnezzar) and Daniel became the leader of the king’s wisemen.
  • Later in Daniel’s life he saw prophetic visions about the Son of Man who would come as King and institute God’s everlasting Kingdom.  
  • Scholars believe that Daniel’s prophecies and visions were handed down in the Babylonian culture along with other Biblical passages that tell of this everlasting king and kingdom.

The wisemen were also familiar with Numbers 24:17 which states: “I see him, but not here and now. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel.”

  • Why do the Magi leave to go in search for this King and the Kingdom He would institute?
  • They longed for a new King and Kingdom.
  • They existed in a time where there was no peace or unity and there were wars and uprisings.  
  • They were in search of a better world.
  • Quote from Karl Popper, In Search for a Better World states, “All things living are in search of a better world. Men, animals, plants, even unicellular organisms are constantly active. They are trying to improve their situation, or at least avoid its deterioration... Every organism is constantly preoccupied with the task of solving problems."

Quote from C. S. Lewis in Mere Christianity, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”

  • Where do the Magi go? (Matthew 2:5-6)

The Wonder of the SCRIPTURES.

  • The wisemen know they need to head towards the Jews’ homeland and its capital-Jerusalem.
  • After arriving in Jerusalem, the Magi have an audience with King Herod and they find out from the religious leaders about the passage in Micah 5:2,4 which shares that the future King was to be born in Bethlehem.
  • After learning about this, Herod and the religious leaders don’t go to see where the Messiah has been born.
  • They are fine with where they are in life and they don’t see the need for a Messiah-King.
  • The Magi or wisemen go to Bethlehem and find the newborn King.

There are three groups of people in this story.

INDIGNANT-King Herod is indignant of a potential king who could be a threat to him and his rule.

  • Herod felt he was in charge and had everything he needed, and did not have room in his life for a real king.
  • Today those who are indignant don’t want a Messiah, Savior, King, and God in their life which would cause them to relinquish their throne and let Jesus lead them.

INDIFFERENT- Religious leaders and others who heard responded in indifference and apathy.

  • Religious leaders felt they were already good enough through their religious good works and moral behavior.
  • Today those who are indifferent have a head full of knowledge but a heart of stone.
  • Quote from Charles Spurgeon, “Some men may become well instructed in their Bibles, and yet be all the worse for what they have discovered….they may know much about Jesus, and yet have no heart towards him.”

INQUISITIVE- Magi who are inquisitive and want to find the king and be a part of his kingdom.

  • Magi are given direction and led further on their journey through the SCRIPTURES.
  • The scriptures give the Magi direction to the world of wonder.
  • The scriptures are our guide to the world of wonder.

In God's Word we learn how to:

  • Be a healthy individual and have a healthy view of ourselves and why we exist.
  • Love our wife as Christ loved the church; to love and honor our husband.
  • Parent and train up our children in the ways of the Lord; teach them to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, and mind.
  • Honor, as a child, your father and mother which is the training ground for honoring the Lord as your King.
  • Be a friend who loves at all times.
  • Be a good neighbor who loves your neighbor as yourself.
  • Work as a good, loyal, faithful employee.
  • Love.
  • Be unified even in your diversity.
  • Steward our time, talents, and treasures which brings about the good and flourishing in the people and things God loves.

God's Word is:

  • A lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. (Psalms 119)
  • Will not return void, but will accomplish God’s desires. (Isaiah 55)
  • Powerful —sharper than a double edged sword. (Hebrews 4)
  • God breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  • Sanctifying and cleansing (John 17)
  • Protective (Matthew 4; Ephesians 6)
  • Essential and filling. (Deuteronomy and Matthew 4)
  • Without error. (2 Timothy 3:16; John 10:35)

Who do they see and what do the Magi do? (Matthew 9-12)

The Wonder of the SOVEREIGN.

  • They saw the star hovering over the house where the newborn King was.
  • They were overjoyed, filled with awe, amazed, speechless, mesmerized, astounded, awestruck, dumbfounded.
  • They come face to face with the Wonder of Wonders.
  • They found what they were looking for on their journey.
  • They responded.

Posture-Bowed and worshipped Him.
Gifts-Gave him gifts fit for a king.

  • Gold - representing Jesus’ position as King.
  • Frankincense - representing Jesus’ position as Priest.
  • Myrrh - representing Jesus’ position as Sacrificial Lamb.

With loyalty.

  • They did not go back to Herod after being warned not to in a dream because of Herod’s evil intentions toward the child.

Christmas is the simple sign pointing people to the world of wonder.

Life Application

During this week, read Matthew 2:1-12. Make a list of signs that God uses today to point people to the “world of wonder” we learned about in this study. Think about ways that you can be inquisitive and seek to find Jesus and His Kingdom in our world today.  As Christmas is a simple sign pointing people to the world of wonder, look for ways to share Christmas and this world of wonder with those God places on your heart this week.  Also, take a look at Northland’s website. Learn more about attending and inviting someone to Christmas Eve Worship Services or how to Serve on Christmas Eve.

Small Group Discussion Questions

  • What is your favorite journey that you have taken?  Why did you take this journey? How was it special?
  • List some signs today that God uses to point people to the world of wonder. 
  • Why are you unsettled with the world the way it is?  
  • How can your longing for God’s Kingdom, like the Magi were searching for another, better world, be important as you share the Christmas story (the Gospel)  with others?
  • During this Christmas season of giving, what are some ways you can give as you demonstrate your love for God?  (Think about your time, talents,and treasures.)

Daily Devotional Bible Passages

  • Monday - Wonder of The Star- Numbers 24:17; Matthew 2:1-12
  • Tuesday - Wonder of God's Kingdom- Psalm 86:8-10; Psalm 33:8
  • Wednesday - Wonder of God's Word- Psalm 119; Isaiah 55; John 17; 2 Timothy 3:16
  • Thursday - Wonder of God's Prophecy- Micah 5:2-4;Acts 2:16-21; Isaiah 7:14
  • Friday - Wonder of God's Love- John 3:16; Psalm 36:7; Romans 5:8


Lord, we thank you that you have made a world of wonder for us to enjoy this Christmas season.  Just like the Magi, let us worship you as we seek to see and experience your wonders all around us.   We ask that you show us ways that we can use our time, talents and treasures for the glory of your Kingdom.  Give us the words to share the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ, with neighbors and nations.  During this Christmas season, remind us to slow down so we can focus on the true reason for the season which is Jesus Christ.  As we study your word and meditate on what you have been teaching us, let us see truth in the complexities of our life.  Let us celebrate the wonder of the Christmas season and be in awe of the most wonderful gift you have given to us - our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Additional Resources

— Jesus in all the books of the Bible - Genesis to Revelation

— C. S. Lewis - Mere Christianity

— Karl Popper  - In Search for a Better World: Lectures and Essays from Thirty Years

About This Sermon Series

Simple Christmas: Making Room for the Most Important Gift

The Christmas season is upon us. Many, if not most, see the Christmas season as the song says, “the most wonderful time of the year.” While it may be the most wonderful time, Christmas isn’t known as a time people slow down but rather speed up—especially in American culture. We have shopping to do and parties to attend. In addition, many are finishing up a year of work and projects. Furthermore, many deal with the strong emotions the Christmas season brings—either missing a family member who has passed or dealing with family drama. Therefore, the Christmas season is anything but simple for the masses. 

In our series, Simple Christmas, we are encouraging, challenging, and inviting people to make room for the most important gift.


Simple Christmas: Making Room for the Most Important Gift

The Christmas season is upon us. Many, if not most, see the Christmas season as the song says, “the most wonderful time of the year.” While it may be the most wonderful time, Christmas isn’t known as a time people slow down but rather speed up—especially in American culture. We have shopping to do and parties to attend. In addition, many are finishing up a year of work and projects. Furthermore, many deal with the strong emotions the Christmas season brings—either missing a family member who has passed or dealing with family drama. Therefore, the Christmas season is anything but simple for the masses. 

In our series, Simple Christmas, we are encouraging, challenging, and inviting people to make room for the most important gift. The most important gift ever given to humanity was Jesus. Jesus was and is God’s gift to the world. The Christmas season marks the time where Christians celebrate the incarnation—when God became man and dwelt among us. With all the busyness of work, play, and family, we want to carve out five weeks to challenge us with why, what, and how saints long ago made room for the most important gift—and thus exemplify for us today how we, too, can have a simple Christmas. 

Upcoming Weekends

» December 17-18
Ed Stetzer

» December 23-24
SIMPLE CHRISTMAS |Simple News that Changed the World |
Lead Pastor Josh Laxton

Upcoming Worship Services

» December 17-18
Ed Stetzer

» December 23-24
SIMPLE CHRISTMAS |Simple News that Changed the World |
Lead Pastor Josh Laxton

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What's Current

Winter Wonderland By The CFCArts Community Choir, Members of the Symphony Orchestra, and CFCArts Dance Company

Thursday, December 15 and Friday, December 16 at 7:30 p.m.

This December, step into a snow-filled, holiday festival as the Central Florida Community Choir presents its annual holiday extravaganza, Winter Wonderland! This year’s concert will feature holiday favorites specific to the cold and snow-filled fun of the season including “Winter Wonderland,” “Let It Snow,” “White Christmas,” “Frosty the Snowman,” and more!

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Christmas Eve Worship

December 23 & 24 at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Join us as Pastor Josh teaches us about the simplicity of Christmas! Children's Church is available for all ages. You can also serve at one service and attend another. There's something for everyone!

Celebrate Christmas Eve Together

New Year's Eve Worship Service

Saturday, December 31 at 5 p.m. online and in-person

Join us as we worship together and ring in the new year as a church family!

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Stewardship Update

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Need for Fiscal (7/1/20-6/30/21) $9.5M
As of 12/6/2022
If you'd like to learn more or have questions related to finances at Northland, contact our finance team at FinanceTeam@NorthlandChurch.net.